Doctor of Ministry
Brock, Fredricc Gerard—I Became: Black Church Identity and Violence in the Community.
Gordon, John B.—From Father to “Padrecito”: Renewal of the Diocesan Priesthood by Means of Small Faith-Sharing Communities within Parish Life in the United States through the Hispanic Cultural Context.
Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
Bremar, Ian Mitchel—Bible Blogging: Using the Internet to Educate Generation X and Millennials about Sacred Scripture.
Nzai, Valentin Ekiaka—Partial Evaluation of the One Heart One Soul Spiritual Growth Frame.
Robinson, James L.—Spirituality in the Intensive Care Unit at Christus Santa Rosa Medical Center Hospital.
Master of Arts (Spirituality)
Nyang’au, N.D. Darius—Towards an African-American Family Spirituality: A Profound Foundation for an Authentic Life, Dignity, and Survival in a Challenging World.
Wambugu, Vincent—Spiritual Direction in John of the Cross: A Contribution to Pastoral Care in the Kenyan Ecclesial Situation Today.
Master of Arts (Theology)
Denn, Harrison Philip—Mary the Mediatrix.
Nugent, Joseph Kurt—Community and Mission: The Evangelizing Genius of the Marianist Apostolic Movement according to the Writings of Blessed W. Joseph Chaminade