Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership

The Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership is an interdisciplinary, multidimensional academic, formation and professional leadership process for developing and supporting pastoral/church leaders committed to ministry and proclamation. All Institute programs foster an understanding and appreciation of African Americans’ contributions to Christian faith, life, and witness in North America and the world. Students enrolled in any degree programs may become a Sankofa Scholar.

Raising Up African American Pastoral Leaders
The concept of Sankofa is derived from King Adinkera of the Akan people of West Africa. SANKOFA is expressed in the Akan language as “se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenkyi.” Literally translated it means “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot.” SANKOFA teaches us that we must go back to our roots in order to move forward. That is, we should reach back and gather the best of what our past has to teach us, so that we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. Whatever we have lost, forgotten, forgone or been stripped of, can be reclaimed, revived, preserved and perpetuated.

Become a Sankofa Scholar
The Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership is committed to developing and supporting pastoral leaders, men and women of all races and backgrounds, for the African American Christian community within the context of the universal Christian mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Institute aims to foster within Church leaders an understanding and appreciation of African Americans’ contributions to the entirety of Christian faith, life, and witness in North America. The Sankofa Institute will provide opportunities for the intellectual, professional, and inspirational development of transformational leadership within the African American community, offered through classes, lectures, symposia, worship, leadership workshops, internships and practical field education, as well as social outreach and cultural celebrations.

Connect with the Leading Minds in Black Church Studies
Sankofa Institute programs provide opportunities for intellectual, professional, and inspirational development of transformative leadership. Resources, partnership, and cultural engagement enhance classes, lectures, symposia, worship conferences, workshops, internships and practical field education, and support our programming across North America, and include sister and brother communities from Africa.
Interdisciplinary Categories
- African American Christian Education
- African American Christian Social Ethics
- Africana Biblical Studies
- Black Church History Black Church Worship and Nurture
- Black Preaching
- Black Theologies/ Womanist Theology
- Contemporary Issues in the Black Church and Society
- Sociology of Black Religion
- Social Justice, Racism, and Civil Rights
Is it possible to blossom at age 80? In our culture, meaningful connection with other elders is a challenge and yet we sense we are not alone. The Forest Dwelling program invites you to proceed at your own pace and choose a life-changing, life-giving path to greater wisdom and faith. In a noise-filled world, we learn to listen to our souls.
I am so inspired, encouraged, lifted up and amazingly proud to be among such good company as my fellow Forest Dwellers from Cohort #1 and the others who have followed. I cannot fully express how my experience in the very first cohort changed my life, both spiritually, intellectually and physically. And the bounty keeps on giving.
I am constantly amazed at the dedication of the Program instructors to the personal spiritual and human development of each participant. We are a very diverse group, but the leaders seem to know each of us individually and feed each of us exactly where we are, as the Spirit provides the sustenance we need through them.
This is my fifth year in the Forest and maybe I am a slow learner because I keep learning more and more. I think that the mere fact that we do this in community, with people who are also questioning, and soaking in what we can receive from the Forest, really makes a difference. Being part of a community like this helps the natural process of evolving, deepening, and letting go.
God continues to bless us with beauty all around us as we are called to take a deep dive into diminishment, so we both take turns caring for each other, grateful to have each other and looking forward to the next 10 years, God willing. I certainly feel like I am better equipped for the last leg of our journey home because of the Forest Dwellers program.
I am noticing that, since being in the Forest Dweller Program, I really have gotten more motivation to make peace with my diminishments. That has been a very difficult thing for me to do. It is a major part of what I did as a Forest Dweller and what I continue to do now. I can see that I’m moving towards surrender. There is much more peace in my life and I think as I go through this process I notice that coming out of the Forest Dwelling Program – I am getting more [spiritual] directees. The reason for that is that I have been so engaged with making peace with my own diminishments.
Council of Elders

Degree Programs
For More Info:
210.341.1366 ext. 240