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Fr. Joseph LaBelle, OMI

Fr. Joseph LaBelle, OMI

Professor of Spiritual Theology

Email: jlabelle@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 322

Office Hours: By Appointment


B. S. (Computing Science) – Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1979

M.A. (Theology) – Oblate College, Washington, DC., 1992

S.T.L. (Spiritual Theology) – Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualità, Rome, 1999

S.T.D. (Spiritual Theology) – Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualità, Rome, 2006


Fr. LaBelle’s experience includes ministry as Parochial Vicar and other parish ministry service in both English and Spanish; Missionary Oblate religious formation at the pre-novitiate and post-novitiate formation levels; spiritual direction.


Fr. LaBelle has written several articles on consecrated life and Missionary Oblate life. He also regularly teaches courses in Christian spirituality, the theology of ordained ministry, and Patristic-era Christian church history.



  1. Firm Footsteps: Seven Timeless Christian Practices for Journeying Disciples. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.

2020. From Strength to Strength: Seven Timeless Virtues for Christian Discipleship. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.

2014. Truly Apostolic Men: Apostolic Life in the Early Ministry of Saint Eugene de Mazenod. Oblatio Studia/3. Rome: Services for Oblate Studies and Research.  (A PDF version is available at: http://archive.omiworld.org/en/oblatio/studia/19/truly-apostolic-men/  )


Calvo, Antonio Jambrina. The Oblate Spanish Martyrs. Co-translated with David Ullrich, OMI. Oblate Heritage series, number 9. Rome: Oblate Postulator, 1999.


” ‘God Will Be Our Help’: Bishop Eugène de Mazenod and His Trust in Divine Providence.” Offerings: Journal of the Oblate School of Theology 9 (2016): 4-17.

“The Enduring Virtue of Humility in Apostolic Life.” Offerings 7 (2013): 24–37.

“Formation beyond Functionalism in Apostolic Religious Life.” Spiritual Life (2012): 238–249.

“To be a Missionary Oblate Priest Today: A New Vision in a New Ecclesiology.” Oblatio (2012): 219–229.

“Teresa of Avila and Her Apostolic Zeal.” Spiritual Life 55 (2009): 73–82.

“Evangelical Poverty and the Proclaiming Disciple’s ‘Configuration to Christ’.” Offerings 1 (2002): 5–12.

“The Making of an Apostolic Man: 1808-1818 within the Formation of Saint Eugene de Mazenod, O.M.I.” Vie Oblate Life 58 (1999): 559–618.