En Es

Forma de Recomendación del Sacerdote/Pastor – Certificado Espiritualidad y Dirección Espiritual

Forma de Recomendación del Sacerdote/Pastor – Certificado Espiritualidad y Dirección Espiritual

Recommendation form for Priest/Pastor for Certificado Espiritualidad y Dirección Espiritual

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Por favor conteste las siguientes preguntas, la información que nos proporcione es de mucho valor:

    (Please answer the following questions, the information you provide is valuable.)
  • (How long you known the applicant?)
  • (In your opinion what are the applicant’s ministry gifts?)
  • (In your opinion this person has the gift of listening to others?)
  • (What has been observed in the interpersonal relationships of the applicant in support of its recommendation, or do you have any concerns that you cannot recommend him/her for the ministry of spiritual direction?)
  • (Other reviews that can help us consider this person as a participant in our training program in Spirituality and Spiritual Direction.)
  • Gracias por su colaboración, si tiene comentarios adicionales por favor llame a Julia Hinojosa al (210) 341-1366 ext. 329