En Es

Dr. Kristopher W. Seaman

Assistant Professor of Sacramental Theology and Liturgy

Email: kseaman@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366, X 209



PhD               Theology (Systematic Theology), Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin (Ireland)
DMin              Liturgical Studies, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
MA                  Systematic Theology, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
MA                  Liturgical Studies, St. John’s University (Collegeville, MN)
PG Cert.          Intercultural Studies, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
Ad.Dip             Art History, The University of Cambridge (England)


Dr. Kristopher W. Seaman specialises in liturgical studies and systematic theology. Of particular interest is the construction of sacramental theology via the concept of mission. Before arriving at OST in 2022, he taught for four years at St. Xavier University (Chicago) and has been invited to teach courses as a guest instructor at Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Benedictine University (Lisle, IL), and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanston, IL). He currently serves on the editorial committee of the American Society of Missiology Series published via Orbis Books.

Courses Taught:

Liturgical Theology
Christian Initiation
Liturgical Year in Intercultural Perspective
Praying the Psalms with Christ in the Liturgy (Psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours)
Theological Anthropology
World Christianity
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Fundamental Theology and Methods


“Blessing Homes during Christmas and Easter.” In Pastoral Liturgy 45, no. 6(November/December 2014), back cover.
“Remembering the Dead.” In Pastoral Liturgy 45, no. 5(September/October 2014): Back cover.
The 50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: A Parish Celebration. Compact Disk and DVD. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications,2013. A contributor.
Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2013: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2012.
“Sunday Word” Column. Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation, Vol. 34, No. 5 (September 2012).
Companion to the Calendar, Second Edition: A Guide to the Saints, Seasons, and Holidays of the Year. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011. A contributor.
Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal, Part II. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011.
Preparing Your Parish for the Revised Roman Missal. Compact Disc. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011. A contributor.
What’s New about the Mass for Teens: Handbook for Teachers and Catechists. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011. A contributor.

Book Reviews:

Bruce T. Morrill, Practical Sacramental Theology: At the Intersection of Liturgy and Ethics. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2021. In Offerings: Journal of Oblate School of Theology, Forthcoming.
Massimo Fagigioli, Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2012. In Pastoral Liturgy, November 2013.
Paul Turner, Glory in the Cross: Holy Week in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press/Pueblo, 2011. In Pastoral Liturgy, November 2012.

Current Projects:

Working on a monograph on sacramental theology and mission.

More Articles

December 13, 2022
Staring Into the Light
August 30, 2022
The Magnificat
August 23, 2022
Ver lo que se Encuentra Cerca de Nuestras Puertas
August 23, 2022
Seeing What Lies Near Our Doorsteps
August 16, 2022
One God, One Guidance System, and One Road For Us All
August 2, 2022
Disarmed and Dangerous

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