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Dr. Bonnie L. Abadie

Theological Field Education Director

Office Hours: By Appointment

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 236

Email: babadie@ost.edu

Anthony Deosdade

Director of the ACTS Spiritual Companion Program

Email: adeosdade@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 380

Dr. Rhodora Beaton

Professor of Systematic Theology | Director, MA (Theology) Program

Email: rbeaton@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366, Ext. 283

Sr. Linda Marie Bolinski, SS.C.M.

Associate Academic Dean | Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology

Email: lbolinski@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 365

Rev. Dr. Raymond Bryant

Sankofa Council of Elders

Fr. Wayne Cavalier, O.P.

D.Min Director | Associate Professor

Email: wcavalier@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 333

Rene Espinosa, CPA

Vice President of Administration and Finance

Email: respinosa@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 217

Fr. Louis Studer, OMI

President of Oblate School of Theology

Fr. Tom Ovalle, OMI

Director of the Ministry to Ministers Sabbatical Program

Antonio Frietze

Director of Continuing Education

Email: antonio.frietze@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 325

Ana Frietze

Director of the Lay Certificate Programs

Email: afrietze@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 304

Dr. Renata Furst

Montalbano Chair in Scripture

Email: rfurst@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 289

Claudia Garcia, CFRE

Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Email: claudia.garcia@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 285

Maria Magdalena Garcia

Director of Library

Email: magda@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 310

Fr. Ken Hannon, OMI

Louis G. Vance Professor of Systematic Theology

Email: khannon@ost.edu

Faculty Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 225

Dr. J. August Higgins

Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality

Email: jhiggins@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 306

Dr. Julia Hinojosa

Director, Programa Espiritualidad y Dirección Espiritual | Associate Director, Maestría de Artes en Ministerio Pastoral

Email: jhinojosa@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 329

Daniel P. Horan, PhD

Affiliated Professor of Spirituality

Email: dhoran@ost.edu

Phone: 574-284-4207

Fr. Roger Keeler, JCD

Assistant Professor of Canon Law

Email: rkeeler@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Kirk-Duggan

Sankofa Council of Elders

Fr. Thomas Klosterkamp, OMI

Director of MDiv | Vice-President for Mission | Associate Professor of Church History

Email: tklosterkamp@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 309

Dr. Cliff Knighten

Asst. Professor of Spirituality

Email: cknighten@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 301

Fr. Joseph LaBelle, OMI

Professor of Spiritual Theology

Email: jlabelle@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 322

Dr. Rodolfo F. Luna

Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture

Email: rfluna@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 318

Dr. Rose Marden

Director, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry

Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology

Email: rmarden@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 222

Fr. John J. Markey, O.P.

Professor of Theology | Director of PhD in Spirituality Program

Email: jmarkey@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 288

Dr. Amy E. W. Maxey

Assistant Professor of Spirituality & Rolheiser Chair in Spirituality

Email: amaxey@ost.edu 
Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 208

Msgr. Jeremiah McCarthy, Ph.D.

Professor of Moral Theology

Email: jmccarthy@ost.edu 

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 239

Margaret (Maggie) Gerner Meigs, PhD

Director of the Forest Dwelling Program: Spirituality for our Wisdom Years

Email: mmeigs@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366

Dr. David Pocta

Director, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality

Email: dpocta@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366, Ext. 377

Sr. Susan Pontz, SS.C.M.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean | Director of Instructional Technology

Email: spontz@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 232

Dr. Stephen Reid

Sankofa Council of Elders

Brenda Reyna

Associate Director of Admissions/Registrar

Email: registrar@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 212

Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI


Email: rrolheiser@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 220

Fr. Frank Santucci, OMI

Kusenberger Chair of Oblate Studies

Email: fsantucci@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 216

Dr. Kristopher W. Seaman

Assistant Professor of Sacramental Theology and Liturgy

Email: kseaman@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 209

Dr. Philip Sheldrake

Senior Fellow and Research Director, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality

Professor of Christian Spirituality

Email: psheldrake@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 210

Fr. Bryan Silva, OMI

Associate Dean for Hispanic Engagement | Director of Internship Program

Email: bsilva@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 330


Magda Valdez, MBA, SHRM-CP

Human Resources Manager

Email: mvaldez@ost.edu
Phone: 210-341-1366 x176

Sr. Addie L. Walker, SSND, PhD

Director, Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership | Professor

Email: awalker@ost.edu

Phone: 210-457-7730

Fr. Robert Wright, OMI

Director, Master of Divinity | Professor of Systematic Theology | Kenedy Chair in Missiology

Email: rwright@ost.edu 

Phone: 210-341-1366 Ext. 223

Dr. Wendy Wright

Affiliated Faculty, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality

Email: wwright@ost.edu

Theological  Education That Changes Lives.