En Es

Change of Personal Information Form

Change of Personal Information


  • Instructions

    All requests require the student’s signature and one form of documentation (See Required Documentation). You may also submit this form along with the required documentation in person or via US mail, email or fax.
  • Current Information


    NAME CHANGE Marriage License/Certificate or Passport or Permanent Visa or Social Security Card or Birth Certificate or Court Order or Divorce Decree or Driver’s License SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Social Security Card DATE OF BIRTH Birth Certificate or Passport or Permanent Visa
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
      Submit according to the list above.
    • After selecting, complete the appropriate fields below.
    • Old or Incorrect DOB
    • New or Correct DOB
    • I certify that I am responsible for any changes made to my personal information record. I also understand that any changes may cause complications if transcript orders or other information requests are submitted to, or data provided by, the university under former personal information. My name serves as my electronic signature.
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY