Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry is a professional degree program “which provides education for the church’s mission and ministry in the world.” (OST Statement of Purpose, paragraph #1 in the school catalog.) The Pastoral Ministry program gives students the foundation needed to serve as pastoral associates, liturgy coordinators, faith formation ministers, youth ministers, and other areas of pastoral care.
To prepare the student for pastoral ministry in areas such as faith formation, youth ministry, pastoral care, liturgy coordinators, pastoral administration, or similar ministries.
Upon completion of the program the student will be able:
1. To use theological reflection as a tool for pastoral planning and personal development.
2. To demonstrate an integrated understanding of Sacred Scripture and Christian Theology that undergird responsible ministry.
3. To demonstrate ministerial skills appropriate to the field of specialization.
4. To apply knowledge and skills to specific pastoral issues within particular pastoral settings and cultural contexts.
5. To demonstrate personal maturity in the practice of ministry.
1. Complete 36 credit hours, 28 of which come from required courses. No more than twelve (12) graduate hours may be transferred from another institution toward the degree.
2. The required courses include the Pastoral Formation Seminar and two courses on Theological Reflection for Pastoral Leadership. These courses provide for personal and spiritual formation and include a Supervised Ministry Component which requires the student to:
• perform 108 clock hours of ministry together with a Field Supervisor.
• prepare written tools for theological reflection and present them to the seminar group for critique.
3. The final project is a Pastoral Practicum which includes Supervised Ministry.
4. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for the degree.
5. At least one year of study (16 credit hours) must be completed at OST.
6. The MAPM program can be completed in 3 years of full-time study. Ordinarily, the degree must be completed within five years after matriculation. Students may study on a part-time basis.
7. Complete application for Candidacy to the MAPM.
Please consult the school catalog for General Admission Requirements for Master’s level programs.
Historical and Cultural Studies (3 credit hours)
CH 6311 Church History II: Holy Roman Empire to the Present
Scripture (7 credit hours)
SS 6200 Scriptural Hermeneutics
SS 7331 Synoptic Gospels
2 additional credit hours
Systematics (12 credit hours)
TS 6350 Foundations of Moral Theology
TS 7311 Christology: Jesus Christ and Human Redemption
TS 7315 Theology of Church and Ministry
TS 6305 Introduction to Missiology: Culture and Religion
Pastoral (6 credit hours)
PS 6350 Basic Pastoral Care
PS 6177 Pastoral Formation Seminar I
PS 7181 Theological Reflection for Pastoral Leadership (first semester)
PS 7182 Theological Reflection for Pastoral Leadership (second semester)
Required Courses: 28 credit hours
Elective Courses: 8 credit hours
Final Project (Practicum) for Noncredit
Students who choose to do so may develop their own concentration in a certain area of study within the curriculum of the degree. Four areas of concentration are offered regularly: Scripture, Spirituality, Hispanic Ministry, and African American Pastoral Leadership.
A concentration consists of two elements:
1. At least 7 hours of study in the chosen area, which may include core courses.
2. The final project addressing a topic within the chosen area of concentration.
Application for Candidacy
MAPM students may apply for candidacy to the degree after successfully completing 12 credit hours of core graduate courses at Oblate School of Theology. The Admissions Committee, after consultation with the faculty, will decide on the applications for candidacy. Admission to candidacy is the faculty’s attestation that the student has demonstrated capacities to fulfill all academic, spiritual, and professional objectives for the degree and to meet all degree requirements
Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
For More Info:
210.341.1366 ext. 240