Master of Arts in Theology

The Master of Arts degree in Theology provides a professionally enriching experience in theological research in the context of Oblate School of Theology’s attention to evangelization and ministry in multicultural, collaborative, and ecumenically conscious environments. The degree is primarily an academic degree to prepare students for research at the doctoral level or for teaching at the secondary or college levels.
Preparation of candidates for ongoing scholarly research and publishing that is suitable for doctoral study or for teaching at the secondary or college levels.
Upon completion the student will be able:
- To discuss and analyze theological issues and questions through habitual knowledge appropriate to Master’s level achievement;
- To demonstrate graduate-level familiarity with scriptural and other theological sources while assessing and applying such sources critically and appropriately;
- To compose research papers or articles appropriate for scholarly publishing.
See the section under General Admission Requirements for Graduate Studies at Master’s Level.
The candidate must complete a total of 36 credit hours. A concentration may be earned in the areas of Cultural and Historical Studies, Scriptural Studies, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Sacramental Theology, or Spirituality. No more than 12 credit hours of graduate studies completed in other graduate schools may be transferred. Normally credits earned more than ten years prior to admission will not be transferred.
Candidates must complete:
- 21 credit hours of core courses
- 9 credit hours of elective courses including a 2 or 3 credit Church History course. These electives may normally include no more than 3 credit hours in a relevant language and may not include courses whose primary outcomes are the acquisition of ministry skills (e.g. preaching or liturgical practice).
- Thesis (6 credit hours)
A student will be required to complete a final (four credit hours) thesis to demonstrate the level to which the goals of the program have been achieved. A (2 credit hour) project proposal is required, before the student may continue with the research and writing of the thesis. The objective and methodology of the thesis may require the working knowledge of a second language. - Full-time students can complete the 36 hour program in two years. A part-time student can expect the program to take three to four years.
- A minimum grade point average of 3.25 is required for all courses applicable to the degree.
Core Courses (21 credit hours)
RW 6100 MA Pro Seminar
SS 6200 Scriptural Hermeneutics
SS 7331 Synoptic Gospels
TS 6301 Theology of Revelation and Faith
TS 6305 Introduction to Missiology: Culture and Religion
TS 6350 Foundations of Moral Theology
TS 7311 Christology: Jesus Christ and Human Redemption
TS 7315 Theology of Church and Ministry
Electives Courses (9 credit hours)
Students not concurrently enrolled in the MDiv program and who have not taken a Church History course must take two credits in Church History from one of the following:
CH 6310 Church History I: The Patristic Era
CH 6311 Church History II: Holy Roman Empire to the Present
CH 7220 United States Religious History
CH 7235 History of Hispanic/Latino Christianity in the U.S.
Otherwise, elective courses should be chosen to support study in the intended area of research.
Thesis (6 credit hours)
TS 9226 MA (Theology) Thesis Proposal (2 cr.)
TS 9481 MA (Theology) Research Thesis (4 cr.)
A concentration may be earned in one of the following areas: Cultural and Historical Studies, Scriptural Studies, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Sacramental Theology, or Spirituality, if six credit hours of elective courses and the six credit hours of Thesis writing are all completed in one of these areas of study.
All courses necessary to complete the degree program may be taken at the OST main campus. The campus Donald E. O’Shaughnessy Library (DEOL) houses a sizable collection pertaining to Christian theology and maintains a vigorous acquisition program. Student patrons also have access to a variety of academic databases and to Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
MA (Theology) students will apply for candidacy to the MA (Theology) degree after successfully completing 12 graduate credits in required courses at OST. The Admission Committee, after consultation with the faculty, will decide on the applications for candidacy. Admission to candidacy is the faculty’s attestation that the student has demonstrated capacities to fulfill all the objectives for the degree and to complete the degree requirements.
Master of Arts in Theology
For More Information:
Registrar’s Office
Brenda Reyna, Registrar
210.341.1366 ext. 226
Victoria Rodriguez, Associate Registrar
210.341.1366 ext. 240