Master of Arts in Spirituality

The Master of Arts in Spirituality is an ATS accredited graduate level academic program designed to help students from a variety of Christian religious traditions deepen their understanding of Christian spirituality. Students will study various classical and contemporary Christian spiritual and mystical traditions, movements, and figures. Graduates will be equipped to better understand their own spiritual journey and prepared to be valuable resources for spirituality and renewal centers, parish and retreat work, as well as other spirituality-related faith formation and educational programs in a culturally diverse and globalized world. Students will also be encouraged to participate in cohort integration groups. This program is available online or face-to-face.

The goal of the Master of Arts in Spirituality is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of Christian spirituality with an emphasis on significant classical and contemporary spiritual and mystical traditions.
Upon successful completion of the program students will be able…
- To present a summary overview of major historical periods within the history of Christian spirituality by identifying major spiritual movements, significant figures, and relevant literature.
- To demonstrate proficiency in at least one classical school of spirituality.
- To evaluate instances of Christian religious experience and dynamics of interior transformation as understood within the Christian mystical tradition.
- To demonstrate basic knowledge in the relevance of spiritual direction and accompaniment for Christian spiritual formation.
- To describe and evaluate the various contributions to Christian spirituality that have emerged from within our culturally diverse society, notably with respect to Hispanic influences.
- To compare the Christian spiritual tradition with other major historical religious traditions.
- To integrate fundamental principles and insights from the Christian spiritual tradition in one’s personal spiritual journey.
This program is designed for individuals who are interested in pursuing sustained academic study within the discipline of Christian spirituality. Students must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. Completion of the GRE will be required to ensure that the student has the aptitude for graduate studies. The GRE requirement is waived for students who already have a master’s degree. Prerequisites include the completion of 9 hours of undergraduate theology and 9 hours of undergraduate philosophy. Applicants must submit three letters of reference indicating that the applicant has the requisite qualities necessary to complete the degree.
- The candidate can expect to complete the 36-credit program as a full-time student in 2 to 2 &1/2 years. A part-time student can expect the program to take 3 to 4 years. No more than twelve (12) graduate-level (MA) credit hours may be transferred into the program from another institution toward the degree.
- A student will be required to complete a final thesis/project to demonstrate the level to which the goals of the program have been achieved.
- A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for all courses applicable to the degree.
These courses may be taken online or in-person
Core Courses (total of 19 credit hours)
RW 6100 MA Pro Seminar
TS 7369 An Overview of the History of Christian Spirituality
TS 7371 Classical Christian Writers I
TS 7373 Classical Christian Writers II
TS 7365 Reading Religious Experience and the Discernment of Spirits
TS 7376 Biblical Foundations of Spirituality
TS 7370 Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Direction (or)
TS 7370 Integration of Psychology and Spirituality
Elective Courses (total of 12 credit hours)
Thesis (total of 5 credit hours)
TS 9276 Research and Proposal Writing
TS 9377 MA (Spirituality) Thesis
Total 36 credit hours
Application for Candidacy
MAPM students may apply for candidacy to the degree after successfully completing 12 credit hours of core graduate courses at Oblate School of Theology. The Admissions Committee, after consultation with the faculty, will decide on the applications for candidacy. Admission to candidacy is the faculty’s attestation that the student has demonstrated capacities to fulfill all academic, spiritual, and professional objectives for the degree and to meet all degree requirements
Master of Arts in Spirituality
For More Info:
Registrar’s Office
Brenda Reyna, Registrar
210.341.1366 ext. 226
Victoria Rodriguez, Associate Registrar
210.341.1366 ext. 240