En Es


Fr. Roger Keeler, JCD

Fr. Roger Keeler, JCD

Assistant Professor of Canon Law

Email: rkeeler@ost.edu

Phone: 210-341-1366

Office Hours: By Appointment

Benson Theological Center 317


BA (History) University of Alberta (Edmonton)

MTh (Systematics) Newman Theological College (Edmonton)

JCD/PhD (Canon Law) Saint Paul University/University of Ottawa (Ottawa)

Father Roger Keeler is a presbyter from the Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta, ordained in May of 1984, serving the People of God as parochial vicar, parochial administrator, pastor, professor of canon law and systematic theology, and Judicial Vicar. He completed his M.Th. in ecclesiology in 1990 his JCL, JCD and Ph.D. in canon law at St. Paul University and the University of Ottawa in 2007.


In 2012, he was invited to teach canon law at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX, where he also assumed responsibility as Judicial Vicar for the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops, overseeing the fifteen tribunals in the State. In 2014, he was invited to assume the helm of the Canon Law Society of America in Washington, DC, a position he held until 2017, when he returned to San Antonio to teach full-time.


He is Assistant Professor of Canon Law, Co-director of the M.Div. program, Director of the pontifical STB offered through Saint Paul University in Ottawa, and assistant to the Theological Field Education program offered at the College. In addition to his teaching, he provides liturgical support to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Mark the Evangelist parishes.


Throughout his entire presbyteral life, he has facilitated workshops, parish missions, and retreats for presbyters, religious and the lay faithful in Canada and the United States.